

["Baśnie" tom 1: "Na wygnaniu"]["Baśnie" tom 2: "Folwark zwierzęcy"]["Baśnie" tom 3: "Kroniki miłosne"]["Baśnie" tom 4: "Marsz drewnianych żołnierzyków"]["Baśnie" tom 5: "Cztery pory roku"]["Baśnie" tom 6: "Strony rodzinne"]

Okładki oryginalne

["Fables" book 1: "Legends in Exile"]["Fables" book 2: "Animal Farm"]["Fables" book 3: "Storybook Love"]["Fables" book 4: "March of the Wooden Soldiers"]["Fables" book 5: "The Mean Seasons"]["Fables" book 6: "Homelands"]["Fables" book 7: "Arabian Nights (and Days)"]["Fables" book 8: "Wolves"]["Fables" book 9: "Sons of Empire"]["Fables" book 10: "The Good Prince"]["Fables" book 11: "War and Pieces"]

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